When we prayed at the Gendabi springs, seeking the Holy Spirit and then acting on His direction, we had noticed a few villagers watching from the cover of the scrub brush and bushes. We learned later that some had carried word of our actions to surrounding villages. Upon seeing the evidence of the purifying of the waters the locals who had been doing the sacrifices were now afraid to go back to the tree, since it was clear that the "One True and Living God” has strong power. Because,….
by the end of the day, there was already evidence being reported!
"What were the problems with the water?" you may ask. Local pastors reported that sickness (and from time to time even death) has been directly linked to drinking water from this spring. Goiters develop, not over a long period of time, but within days! Teeth also begin to discolor and decay very quickly. But most strangely of all, within 30 minutes of a person drinking from this spring, he/she begins to exhibit an inexplicable sudden onset of anger and violence. The locals compare it with an alcoholic drunken rage. . .but, they were consuming no alcohol! Only this spring's water.
Since our prayer time there, the reports are continuing to come in! We are repeatedly being told that the contention and drunken anger stopped the very day we all prayed over the spring at Gendabi. Truly amazing! In addition, an overall improvement in health is being reported in the local villages and down the mountainside. No more quick-onset goiters! No more unexplainable dental problems!
We rejoice that God has revealed His goodness and power to these people, and pray that the pastors can effectively continue to bring the good news of the Gospel to these people who have seen and even TASTED the goodness of the Lord. Many more testimonies have been reported of the change that has taken place from that day. We rejoice and bless our Lord Jesus Christ who is indeed the healer and redeemer! May His Name be praised forever!
Here is a report we received just this week from Pastor Gabriel Magang, the Unity Committee Chairperson: (please excuse his broken English)
“ I and my people we are still remember the days we spent together with you! Especially the day of prayer we shared with you at the source of water at Gendabi spring and at the salt lake. Praise the Lord with us, because we received the answer of that prayer… for [your] information, people are reporting: The ones who concerned to put that poison in the water source was [name withheld], who went to witch doctors and brought the devil-poison from there to put into the water source in order to enable him to rule easily all the users of that water from Gendabi down to Dawari village.”
Our experience at this local spring was a sort of training for the pastors who accompanied us. We are encouraged that they saw the simplicity of seeking the Lord instead of a formula. Indeed, God knows what needs to happen in every circumstance and He is willing to lead us into all truth when we wait upon Him, and follow Him in obedience and courage.