Saturday, March 7, 2009

After weeks of preparation. . .

We packed up our gear—conference materials, computers, projector, battery and inverter, clothing, water purifier, Audio Scripture units, and Iraqw language Bibles.

As we drove out of Arusha and across the plains, we recognized how very dry the land is. In these remote areas, no rain means no food or water. Famine is affecting many; in fact, many people and their herds are even dying!

About an hour outside Arusha, the road becomes rough. . .so rough, indeed, that 4-wheel drive vehicles and buses alike have created off-road paths that are preferable to the rocky, washboard road itself.
Two years ago, when we drove this very road for the first time, it rattled screws out of our car’s dashboard. Thank God for the “diamond lane” this time!