Thursday, April 2, 2009

Movies for the masses

We showed 3 presentations over two nights on the outside of the church building to the village people. The native people laughed their way through the antics of the Swahili speaking characters. Not many had seen a movie before much less a Christian movie! We knew that a crowd had formed in the pitch black night, but we were amazed when someone turned on a light. There had to be 600-700 men, women, and children watching a seven foot diagonal screen, listening to small computer speakers with “no personal space required.” The feature presentation humorously modeled a bull headed husband in severe marital strain until he learned to live quietly and respectfully with his wife. Afterward, we were surprised to see one of the pastors spring to his feet and lead 100’s of people through a prayer of repentance for mistreating each other in the family. The town’s people did not just intellectualize the movie or say “That’s a nice story.” Instead, they took it in immediately and repented because they felt it was true of them.