Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .GO!

We've been preparing for return to East Africa for weeks, and it's finally here!
The team leaves this week, which means. . .
packing boxes and "dialing them in" to within 1/2 lb of airlines' restrictions,
quick trips to the bank, the post office, and Walmart,
finalizing little details in the office,
checking things off the to-do lists,
last-minute phone calls and emails,
and lots of prayer!

Over the next 3 months, I hope to keep you informed here
with stories and pictures of active and vibrant ministry in Tanzania. Come and join us!
I will try to update this blog weekly, as I am able (provided good internet connection).

Let's watch and see what the Lord does
in the lives of hundreds of pastors in Dareda Valley,
in the ministry of the AIM team members,
and in the hearts of each of us.