Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Approaching Arusha

We truly are on the other side of the world! The culture and the people are so different, and we are quite obviously the outsiders here, but we are greeting everywhere we go by "Karibu!" (kah-REE-boo, which means "welcome!"), big smiles, and warm eyes. But EVERYTHING is different here! The plants are distinctly different, the flowers, the birds and animals, and even the insects.

We carry with us a sense of awe as we encounter moment by moment discoveries of new pieces of God's diverse creation, with such beauty, such dynamic color and breathtaking contrast!. . .
Of course, there are also challenges like what it takes to go from one place to another,. . .like roads whose potholes stretch 2/3 of the width of the road,. . .and large trucks that drive wherever they need to (like on YOUR side of the road!) to avoid the perilously deep potholes.