Sunday, October 10, 2010

We have developed good relationships with many of these pastors, and can call many of them by name. It is great to renew our connections and to hear how God has been touching their lives and opening doors for ministry since we last saw each other.

(Hey Bruce! I thought you may enjoy seeing another fellow Gideon! Pastor Marko has been distributing many New Testaments in Swahili throughout the secular high school system here in Dareda Valley.)

As the sun sets in the valley on the last day of conference, many pastors are already on their way home. Again, we can attest that God is at work here among the Iraqw people and their churches.

Though there were some delays and surprises at this conference, we are delighted to have had this opportunity to present new and deeper training for these ministry leaders in this region of Tanzania. Preparations are underway for our second conference on October 12-15 in Katesh.