The rural pastors listened intently to Bob’s insights regarding God’s covenant promises, a teaching insufficiently taught in the US and in East Africa. Several commented that this teaching series was of such value for understanding the foundation of our faith!
It was exciting to watch the translators being impacted by the Word even as they were translating. At times, they had to make difficult choices between wanting to write down what they just heard (so that they could retain it in full) OR actually translating the words as they heard them. We encouraged Polycarp to just translate in full, and then made sure he had the complete notes when the conference was over.
We want to give a special note of thanks to Polycarp for assisting us with translation for this conference. as well as to Steve McFarland (Key Connection Ministries - Arusha, Tanzania) for "lending" us his great employee for 3 days. Polycarp was a huge asset to us. We couldn't have done it all without him.
In addition to the valuable teachings, this pastor (and the many others in attendance) received a special gift: a copy of the recently released Ki-Swahili version of An International Minister’s Manual, by Jim and Carolyn Murphy, which you can see next to his Bible and training material. The late Jim Murphy had begun the translation process of this book over five years ago. Now, having been translated, formed, and shaped by many hands, including our own, it is finally being distributed by our ministry for the first time! We have had a significant work investment in this book, and we are delighted that this important volume is now available in the Tanzanian pastors’ native language. Hundredfold provided this book as a free gift to these servants of God, and they were thrilled!
Feel free to read a chapter online at http://www.hundredfold.org/MinMan/mmtoc.htm