Elijah is now 3 months old. Don’t let the pink clothing fool you; he is a happy and healthy little boy. As Bob held him, Sofia giggled and rejoiced that “Babu Bob” (Grandpa Bob) was finally able to see the baby.
According to Sophia’s report, she and little Elijah had many challenges during her pregnancy. When she was only 3 months pregnant, she began bleeding. Doctors examined her that told her that her baby was dead. They scheduled her for medical procedures to clean her out.
But God talked to Elibariki three times, instructing him to fast and pray. God infused Sofia with a great level of faith, and she said “No, my baby lives!”
Throughout her pregnancy and labor there were complications. But, now he is here! They both know that Elijah is a bit of a miracle “by the grace of God.” This little guy is recognized to be a true blessing from God.
2.5 Kilograms (5½ pounds)
He is a happy little guy who loves to sing already!