Father John is a wonderful testimony of the growing unity among church leaders from many denominations. Denominational segregation is common here, as it is all over the world. However, when we explain that we will not bring any particular denomination’s doctrine, it often causes them to be just a bit curious. . .though perhaps still somewhat suspicious.
The testimony of their experience becomes evident when many come later to greet us with an open heart. . .just as Father John expressed his enthusiastic affirmation for the ministry of AIM. He loved how vibrant and Biblically-sound the teaching materials were. He agreed that when when denominationally controversial doctrines are emphasized, then we will undoubtedly cause segregation; but when we teach strictly the Bible as our authority, THEN we can all stand in agreement, in unity. All pastors throughout the room we were of one heart. . .with the Word of God, not the “bent” of a particular denomination, as the center of our message and our ministries. As brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, we have the joyous privilege to learn and grow together, and to care for one another. As Father John said, "Truly the Holy Spirit is at work here."