Thought you might be interested in seeing a bit or our road. A ditch on the one side of the road acts both as a drainage run-off during the rains and, unfortunately, a dumping ground for unwanted items.
Children spend a lot of time just “hanging out” with friends.
Thorn bushes line the side of our “street” (a clear indication that it is the fence around someone’s property). Metal sheet roofing atop cement block homes dot our neighborhood, as well.
Now, most people in this culture walk everywhere; however, occassionally someone has the privilege of owning a bicycle. Bike owners are not usually children. Adults are the ones who can afford a bike, and adults are (hopefully) the ones responsible enough to ride them.
Just yesterday, we saw a man riding a bike with apparently no brake system. He was in an almost freefall down the road, with the sole of his shoe against the front tire, attempting to slow down. "Careening," I believe is an adequate word.