MORE UNITY present and very obvious as pastors turn to bless one another:
- praying for the empowerment of the Spirit and spiritual insight and increase in gifts
- praying for continued unity.
- praying for each church to grow and thrive
- praying for each pastor to become mighty in God, sensitive to the leading of His Spirit and able to stand against evil in every form
- praying for courage to step up in their communities, to become true servant-leaders who stand for truth so that a new culture of righteousness in covenant may begin.
Bayo (apostolic church planter among the Iraqw) and Aisack (Evangelist church planter among the Maasai) pray powerfully over one another as examples to all the other pastors. Prayers for strength and protection, for courage in the face of intense adversity, and prayers for Gods will to be done on earth as in heaven by empowering the message of the true Gospel in sweeping ways all over their land.
Women pastors/leaders now comprise about 1/3 of our audience. They are well accepted by the male leadership in attendance. They contribute strongly to the sense of unity and strength in this crowd. Praise the Lord for their participation and leadership.
This pastor, grateful for the teaching, hurried forward choosing to pray with Bob for
AIM. He fervently interceded for the ongoing mission of AIM in Tanzania and also the rest of the world.