Friday, June 8, 2012

Unity Committee Meeting (Part II)

Susan has a special place in her heart for the two women on the Unity Committee, selected for their hearts of unity and their dedication to the churches in the area. Margritha and Bearta have been welcomed as co-laborers in the Kingdom, showing fruit and wisdom from the Lord.

During this meeting, AIM was invited to present the strategy that we believe the Lord has been revealing. We all discussed the challenges that would likely face the churches. Although the Unity Committee members span at least 6 different denominations, we were all able to work together, seeing each other as ministry partners rather than ministry competition. The support and respect in the room was obvious, and all were invited to share their thoughts and insights.

We are so grateful to see God filling His people with His vision, as they begin to create early structures to expand the work of training:
--broadening the geographical reach of this ministry's upcoming pastors conferences
--deepening the level of leadership by scheduling several small-group, discipleship training seminars for the very serious, very diligent ministry leaders who have shown great fruit and influence within their villages.

Bayo has been highly effective as both a linguistic translator and a cultural interpreter for AIM. He has helped us to share our initial thoughts with them, and then helps us understand the very practical issues of spreading this essential Biblical training. As the Unity Committee advances, he adds wisdom and perspective that comes from prayer and commitment to Kingdom advancement here.

It has been a joy to participate with them in what we pray will become transformation by the Spirit of God throughout Tanzania.