Monday, July 2, 2012

Lutheran pastor learns of a new opportunity

The Lutheran church near Katesh's "downtown" volunteered to host the Pastors Conference.  This church is very active, and its pastor and leadership are well respected in the community. The pastor (as well as many others) showed huge interest in the water filter that we brought with us to purify our drinking water. As Bob demonstrated the simple filtration device, they exclaimed how their daily lives would be transformed by access to such a device! Though people still must fetch buckets of water, there would be no more waiting as the water sits in a tank for a day (as the large impurities settle to the bottom); no more gathering or paying someone extra for firewood or charcoal in order to boil the water thoroughly; no more waiting for the water to cool before it may be drinkable. AND no more waste of water when the unused water turns a bit rancid after 3 days.

Imagine! A rural Tanzanian family could be significantly impacted for under $50! We hope to bring several of these small filtering devices back with us when we return next year. We would love to put a few of them in the hands of the pastors who labor tirelessly for the Kingdom.