Monday, July 2, 2012

Obstacles to Fruitfulness

The parable of the 4 soils (also called the parable of the sower) was another one of the key passages used to illustrate the obstacles to spiritual fruitfulness.

  • How do we break up hard-packed earth so that the seed of the word can be received?
  • What is needed in order to remove the stones that prevent stable root production?
  • How do we get rid of the thorns or weeds of the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches?

Jesus used simple illustrations that everyone could understand to drive home principles for living and for wisdom. These are illustrations that rural Tanzanian pastors can really grasp since most of them are also subsistence farmers. We all took these teachings to heart and faced the issues of our lives. We spent time on our faces before the Lord, thanking Him for loving and caring for us and giving Him permission to deal with our sins, with our self-focus, with our distractions to a fruitful life and ministry.