Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Friends & Fellow-Disciples of Christ

What a privilege it was to work with the ministry leaders (4 women and 8 men) of our second Discipleship Training who gained an abiding love for the power of the Word of God, a bond of unity with their brothers and sisters in ministry, and a deeper understanding of BEING a true follower of Jesus. Each departed with a stronger commitment to follow Christ through the process of learning, understanding, doing, and teaching. Yes, the groundwork is laid for the indigenous leadership movement! This has been one of the goals of our work here in Tanzania!

SISTERS?  Susan developed a strong friendship with one dear lady, Neema, a Barabaig evangelist and the chairman of her village. "Neema" is the Swahili word meaning Grace, the name of Susan’s mother, and it truly was a good description of this lovely Christian woman. Though Neema speaks no English, and though Susan speaks no Swahili or Barabaig, they seemed to find ways to communicate. Through a bit of translation help, they laughed together as Neema suggested that she would be Susan’s Tanzanian Mama. . .until Susan explained that she was the elder one, and thus would have to be Neema’s big sister, instead!