Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meet Gabriel Magang

Our dear friend Gabriel is a very busy man. He fulfills many roles in his community and indeed the entire region.
·   He is pastor of the Gendabi Village Lutheran Church, on the northern slopes of Mt. Hanang.
·   He is current chairman of the Unity Committee. In this position, he brings strong leadership to the association of ministry leaders in the area; but he also assists in the organization and development of Activation International's conferences and training classes.
·   He is overseer of 7 branches (church plants) which spread down into the valley. 

We had the joy of meeting with him and his wife in their home as they served us a generous meal. (They continuously offer us more food. They just can’t understand why we don’t eat more!)

We heard Gabriel's testimony of God's calling on his life even at an early age. Christianity was foreign to his family's pagan beliefs, and he faced serious trouble for his pursuit of God. However, he had experienced the One Who answers even the prayers of a child, and he was determined to know that God!

Though he had very little schooling, God opened up opportunities for him in leadership. While he never had to seek it out, he was often being pushed forward by friends and colleagues. As Gabriel was faithful, God paved the way for him; and now in his old age he is a true leader in his community, in his denomination, and even among fellow-ministers throughout the Manyara Region.

One morning during our visit to Gendabi, he invited us to his home for breakfast (More food!) He asked several local pastors to join us, and together we enjoyed sweet Christian fellowship. We had prepared ourselves to be there for just a short time, to visit and talk about what God is doing in this village. However, our "short breakfast meeting" turned into a 7 hour Bible study and prayer group, as we delved into the Word of God together! Bob had a particularly wonderful time sharing some of the new things that he has been studying. By the time our visit was done, we were exhausted...but they were energized and ACTIVATED!

Truly Gabriel's home is a place for cross-denominational fellowship, spiritual nurture, and discipleship. Every day, he had local church and village leaders stop in for chai. He helps to guide them in understanding the Word and Biblical principles. I'm convinced that his house should have a revolving door!