Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meet Neema, a Woman of Influence

Neema is a wonderful woman of God whom we have known for several years; however, we were blessed to become even more acquainted with her this summer at the Discipleship Class in Katesh. She brings an energy and joy to the room; and her spiritual hunger for God is evident as soon as we begin teaching, as she leans forward in her chair and prepares to absolutely absorb the teaching like a sponge.

In her church, Neema holds the position of Evangelist, but in the village of Dawari she is known and respected as the Chairwoman. It is in this position that she advocates to regional authorities for the needs of the village and assists the villagers in obtaining land and settling disputes.  How fortunate for these people to have a godly woman as a leader in their community!

Neema has a strong heart to help the Barabaig within her district. Because the government has recently built a school in a bordering Barabaig village, she has been encouraging families and their children to prepare for their future by allowing their children to be educated. (These will be some of the first educated and literate Barabaig children!) She loves them and wants to see them survive and THRIVE as a people-group that is loved by God. So though she is happy to be involved with many responsibilities both in her church and in her village, she prays for a time when some of those burdens may be released so that she can pursue God's work among the Barabaig tribe more whole-heartedly.

As she served us a generous meal in her home, her husband Petro (obviously proud of his wife) regaled us with stories of her ministry and influence: how she has been a help to so many, how even the village men appealed to the area government to ask for her to be the local chairperson. She is a wonderful leader and also a wonderful wife and mother. Together, Neema and Petro possess a great deal of wisdom and a strong understanding of practical and Godly ways to help meet needs and to teach new ways that will assist their personal and collective economy.

Please pray for their daughter Rachel (pictured here between Bayo and her sister Upendo), who is faced with special challenges in life because she is unable to hear. Although she is deaf and has had no benefit of education, she is quick, has spunk, and has a sweet disposition. Susan played ball with her in the yard for a few minutes, and Rachel took to her quite quickly!

Before we left, we took a few minutes to pray for healing for Rachel's ears and for quick development to "catch up" to others. Please join us in this prayer as we seek God for the health and future of this beautiful young woman.