Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Strategy in Missions (Part 2)

What a wonderfully strategic place to be! We didn't know or understand all this when we began ministering here in 2008; however, we have come to see why God has called us to be right here...right now.

Northern Tanzania has several notorious warring tribes--the Maasai, Barabaig, to name a few. 

However, right in the midst of all of these warring tribes, the highly-agricultural Iraqw tribe inhabits the fertile slopes and valleys of Mt. Hanag. Because they are farmers, not warriors, they pose no threat to neighboring tribes. Rather, they are generally known as a peaceful and friendly people, and are in the unique position to openly trade goods and livestock with all the other tribes. 

When AIM began to minister in this valley, we were a bit surprised that the majority of the pastors who accepted our invitation to the training were of the Iraqw tribe (pronounced Ee-RAH-koo). We knew that there were many other tribes in the area, but for some reason they did not want to be trained together. However, over the past 4 years of ministry in Manyara Region, we can now observe how strategically God had nestled us in exactly the right place. 

Now, as Activation International focuses on the spiritual growth and empowerment of the Iraqw Christians, and as we have discipled them to learn the ways of God and to follow His direction, they have now begun to realize their "missionary calling" to reach their neighboring Barabaig tribe. 

Yes, the Barabaig who have historically been resistant to the "foreigner's religion" are now listening to the Gospel from their trusted friends in the "bush" and in the marketplace. This previously-"unreached" people group are being deeply impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ! 

God is full of surprises! We were unaware of the strategic dynamics of God's direction. In fact, it has taken us years to recognize what God knew all along. We simply remained obedient to His calling. He sent us to the exact place He had prepared. The time was right. The people were prepared. The land was waiting....