Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A New Direction

We are getting ready for something new.  We have been studying, researching, reading, talking to others who have experiences; all those things you do to prepare when you know you have a lot to learn.  Most of all, we have been praying, because it is God who is sending us.  He gave some of us this vision for Nepal starting back in 2008, and since then it has been coming more into focus. He has expanded it out to include India (the Orissa Region to begin with) and Sri Lanka.  Now God has indicated the time is ripe, and He has opened the door.  

Nepal: Is a country where Christianity was banned until 2008. But the Gospel is beginning to explode taking this country from 2000 to over 1 million new believers! Hallelujah!  But who are the leaders when everyone is les than 5 years old in their faith?  That is why we are going, to raise up the indigenous leadership for the church.

India: Is a country that recognizes literally MILLIONS of gods through the primary religion of Hinduism. How can we prevent the simple addition of Jesus Christ as one more “deity” to put on the shelf?  That would be through developing strong leaders who are grounded in the truth of God’s word, knowing the truth of the One True and Living God and His character.

Sri Lanka:  Is a country that is home to over 50,000 widows whose husbands died in the 30 years of civil war. The war is over now, and they have declared freedom of religion, however after a generation of deep presecution, they don’t really know how to be the church.  They need strength in their leadership and wounds to be healed.

All three countries suffer in great darkness. Human trafficking rates are some of the highest in the world.

Pray for us as we go and as we listen to God to identify where He wants us to serve.