Our team was blessed this trip to meet Lusajo, a strong and
gifted young church leader in Katesh.
Lusajo has a very strong command both the written and spoken forms of
the English language. It was great to get to know him, his beautiful wife and
baby daughter.
When he learned about our
ministry work in the bush of Northern Tanzania he immediately volunteered to
assist us with translating the training materials. The more we worked together,
the more excited he became and the stronger our bonds grew.
He recognizes part of his calling to be one who
helps to connect church leaders from many denominations, so he was powerfully effective as a translator since we share a similar passion for the church.
Lusajo joined us in Bashnet for the new Discipleship-Module 1
Class. Though he was a student in this class, he was happy to also fill in as
our interpreter, his enthusiasm really adding power and excitement to the
teachings. It was clear during the break times that his energy was contagious,
as very animated conversations among the participants created an atmosphere of
joyful anticipation and revelation.
We expect that we will continue to work with Lusajo in the
future. God has given this young man a vision along with the strength and hope
to walk forward with Christ into his calling.
It is a priviledge to work with leaders of this spiritual caliber and
vision. We look eagerly forward to seeing God unfold His plan for the Katesh
area through the unity of like-minded, like hearted pastors empowered by the
Spirit of God.