- People walked where they needed to go
- Very limited resources, stores or shops
- Little or no opportunity, change, or advancement
- The witchdoctors were prominent and feared figures, eliciting honor and respect, and operating openly and publicly
- A small group of Christians began to choose unity, and gather to pray for their community 3 nights a week, crying out to God to see a change,…
In 2015:
- Quality paved roads stretch through town bringing bus and truck traffic. There are many travel options now including bus, taxi and motorcycles. People move about much more freely.
- New shops, stores and repair shops are opening all the time. More economic opportunity
- New businesses and factories are planning to open in the area, bringing even more economic opportunity, jobs, and skills training.
- The witchdoctors no longer hold positions of prominence. The church is maturing, and people are learning the ways of God, so they will no longer tolerate the open work of witchcraft in their village. At least one witchdoctor has come to Christ, showing up on the steps of the Katesh Prayer group, declaring that he cannot fight against their prayers any longer!
- That small group of Christians from several denominations still meets 3 nights a week, but they have grown and matured. Their numbers vary from a few dozen to well over 100, and they have reproduced themselves, starting several other prayer groups in villages circling Mt Hanang. These prayer groups are boldly crying out to God for their communities.