This is the main highway running north and south across Africa from Cairo, Egypt all the way down to Cape Town, South Africa. Hard to believe that such an important thoroughfare looks like this!
We exit the highway here in order to turn onto Kwa Iddi Road, near our home. We must be very careful turning off the road, for the drop-off edges could roll our car if not approached at a careful angle!
Several shops and salons line Kwa Iddi Road. Since this is a walking society there is much more foot traffic on the road than cars, and we all take turns making our way up the narrow “thoroughfare” so no one is forced off into a ditch. By the time we get up the foothills of Mt Meru a kilometer or so there are no more shops and the road seems more like a mountain path full of large rocks, run-off ditches and deep ruts. Welcome to our neighborhood!