In the waning daylight we climb the stairs to sit on the roof of our porch and watch the most amazing sunset that fills the sky with golden and orange glow,...we hear the exotic call of the birds we are straining to catch a glimpse of to try to identify what kind of a bird makes that sound,....we hear the foot traffic below us as people make their way home from a busy workday (It’s a walking society.) chattering and laughing with their companions along the way,....after the light is nearly gone, we go back down and enter the house, thankful for the modern convenience we have called "internet" that allows us, when the systems are up and running, to communicate in only moments clear across the world to our friends and family from what many would call a still primitive part of the world. My awe for our wonderful God who created all of this diversity and contrast grows and multiplies. My heart swells as I feel His heart of love for this place, for Tanzania, Africa. For his creation here, and for the people that he is sending us to. His heart for the pastors of so many churches and villages. For every pastor trained and equipped we can anticipate at least 100 people to be affected and discipled which will affect the whole village, spiritual environment, and culture/economy when people learn to live as Jesus demonstrated--with compassion, love, and forgiveness. That will also spread out to include regions since many pastors have more than one church in more than one village!
What does God have in mind? I can't wait to see! How about you?