Plans are being made. Lots of work, lots of studying, lots of conversations and brain-storming, because. . .
Next week, we plan to travel to Bashinet for a training conference for pastors from many denominations. They have banded together and resolved to build unity in the Manyara region, and it has been working!
They have all been praying for the rains to come, from which their crops and grasses will grow, ensuring an extra harvest. Indeed, the rains have begun, but they are what Bayo refers to as "warning rains"--warning people to make sure their fields have been prepared and planted. He reports, however, that there have been years in which they receive the warning rains, but the true rainy season doesn't come. That causes huge devastation. So, please continue to pray.
We will also be praying for the “rain of the Spirit” to do a work in their hearts and prepare them for the upcoming harvest! Pray with us that the Lord of the Harvest will send out strong, resolute and equipped harvesters into His harvest field, so that the harvest will be truly great--homes, communities, and eventually the entire nation will be positively affected by the wondrous Gospel of Jesus Christ